Thursday, June 30, 2005
Billings Baseball
It is almost July and baseball season is in full swing here in the Big Sky Country. The Billings Scarlets are 41-7 and the Billings Royals are 34-10, both teams are playing great and hope for a state championship and a trip to regionals in Washington state and then a trip to Nationals in Rapid City, S.D. Stay tuned. The Billings Mustangs (rookie league farm club of the Cincinatti Reds) are off to a 7-1 start. This season they/we have the pleasure and the privelege of having Mark Boyle as our radio announcer, Yes the same Mark Boyle who is the play by play voice of the Indiana Pacers of the NBA. Sports fans you remember when Ron Artest bolted into the stands last December in Detroit -- well the first guy who tried to stop him was Mark Boyle, who broke 5 vertebre in his back on the play. He is recovering, and allegedly part of his treatment plan is coming to Montana for awhile(his wife is from Miles City). His nephew is former Rocky Mountain College point guard Scott Malloy of the basketball team. At any rate Mark is a great radio announcer -- while we have had some good radio guys in the past, they are often pretty new to the profession and unwilling to go out on a limb. For example during the Mustangs home opener Mark was thirsty and said over the air, " If somebody here at Cobb field is listening on a transistor radio would you please buy me a Pepsi and bring it up here to the announcers booth, I am thirsty!" Talk about great radio! He definitely does a great job of calling the games.